Digital Tutors Removing Objects with Camera Projection in NUKE (NUKE攝像機投影技術教學) 英文正式版(DVD一片裝)
附工程原始檔案,使用軟體:NUKE 6.3v1
In this NUKE tutorial, wel be entirely removing a foreground object
using camera projection techniques. We'll create clean plates in
Photoshop, then put them onto cards in NUKE to re-create the scene
in 3D. We'll begin the tutorial by solving a 3D camera with the
NUKEX camera tracker. Then we'll make the 3D scene more human readable
and examine the card workflow. Then we'll use Photoshop to create a
clean-plate of our primary foreground element. Then we'll learn
techniques for matching a card to our 3d footage. For here we will
repeat the process a number of times for the rest of the foreground
sign, the background sign and even the walls. Along the way we will
encounter issues and examine ways to fix or get around these common
problems. We'll finish the tutorial with a shot that has the object
completely removed